NeroPAY for Perfex Crm
NeroPAY is a secure and efficient payment gateway that enables businesses to process online payments seamlessly. This documentation outlines the steps required to integrate the NeroPAY payment gateway with Perfex CRM, ensuring a smooth transaction experience for customers.
- Secure online payment processing.
- Supports multiple currencies, including GBP and EUR.
- Instant Payment Notification (IPN) support for real-time transaction updates.
- Seamless redirection for successful and failed transactions.
- Easily configurable API credentials within Perfex CRM.
Before proceeding with the installation, ensure you have the following:
- A running instance of Perfex CRM.
- NeroPAY Merchant Account with API credentials (Public and Secret Keys).
- Administrative access to Perfex CRM.
Step 1: Upload the NeroPAY Payment Module
- Download the latest version of the NeroPAY Payment Gateway module.
- Extract the ZIP file and upload the contents to the modules directory in your Perfex CRM installation.
- Ensure that the folder structure remains intact.
Step 2: Activate the Payment Gateway
- Log in to your Perfex CRM Admin Dashboard.
- Navigate to Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways.
- Locate NeroPAY Payment Gateway and enable it.
Step 3: Configure API Credentials
- Click on Settings for NeroPAY.
- Enter your Public API Key and Secret API Key from your NeroPAY merchant account.
- Define the supported currencies (e.g., GBP, EUR).
- Save the changes.
Payment Workflow
The payment process follows these steps:
- A client selects Pay Now on an invoice within Perfex CRM.
- The system redirects the client to NeroPAY’s secure payment page.
- The client enters their payment details and confirms the transaction.
- Upon success, the system records the payment and updates the invoice status.
- If the payment fails or is cancelled, the client is redirected back to the invoice page with an error message.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
NeroPAY sends real-time transaction status updates via IPN. The module processes these notifications and updates invoice statuses automatically.
Handling IPN Requests
Perfex CRM listens for IPN messages at:
When NeroPAY sends an IPN message:
- The system verifies the transaction signature.
- If valid, the payment is recorded, and the invoice is marked as Paid.
- If invalid, the system logs the issue and does not update the invoice.
404 Error After Payment
- Ensure that the module files are correctly uploaded.
- Verify that NeroPAY Gateway is enabled in Payment Gateways settings.
Payment Not Updating in Perfex CRM
- Check if the IPN URL is correctly set in your NeroPAY merchant account.
- Ensure your Secret API Key matches the one in Perfex CRM.
- Look at the system logs for error messages.
Additional Configuration
For businesses requiring customised payment workflows, developers can modify the Neropay_gateway.php
file located in modules/controllers/
By integrating NeroPAY with Perfex CRM, businesses can offer a seamless and secure payment solution. If you encounter any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section or contact NeroPAY support for assistance.